Cathy Spiroux is sophrologist (Dynamic and Olfactory), Reiki practitioner, Relaxotherapist and PSIO Ambassador (Light and Relaxation)
Cathy also practises relaxotherapy in order to help people managing their stress and anxiety.
Do you feel stressed ?
Want to learn how to prevent burn-out ?
Do you feel you need to reduce anxiety ?
Do you need to prepare for a challenging situation (exam, public speaking, childbirth,…) ?
Do you have sleeping troubles ?
Sophrology is a technique made up of very practical and mental exercises, as well as breathing exercises. It is aimed at helping people to find his own resources to manage stress, improve sleep, reduce anxiety, build emotional resilience and prepare for challenging situations.
According to the preferences and needs, either Dynamic or olfactory sophrology can be experienced. Dynamic sophrology is a set of breathing and movement exercises. Olfactory sophrology consists in breathing exercises, visualizations and relaxation techniques, accompanied by the scents of essential oils.
A session usually lasts about 1 hr.
Are you subject to stress or burn-out ?
Do you regularly feel anxious ?
It is a technique to learn to relax both mentally and physically, using the body as a media. The person lies down comfortably and the practitioner slightly moves parts of his/her body, then some pressure points are handled smoothly in order to relax the body completely.
A relaxotherapy session lasts about 1.30H.
Reiki is an energy (hands-on) healing, originated from Japan. It is aiming to improve emotional, physical and mental well-being.
It usually has a soothing effect on the body. During a session, you will sit in a comfortable chair or lie down, fully clothed. The practitioner will place their hands lightly on or over specific areas of your body.
A reiki session lasts about 1 hr - 1hr 30.
How can the PSIO help you?
Do you suffer from sleep problems, chronic fatigue or seasonal depression?
In this case, light therapy can help you.
The PSIO device combines light therapy (via glasses projecting pulsed or continuous light) and relaxation in music or sound via an MP3 player.
The duration of each session varies from a few minutes to almost an hour, depending on the theme chosen. The session takes place in a sitting or lying position depending on the type of session.
The PSIO is totally prohibited for people with epilepsy.
Discovery sessions can be organised per request.
Hello, I'm Veerle van Laere, life coach certified at The Life coach School.
I help you to feel better and happier ---get to know the tools that create the chanage you are looking for, learn how to apply them and move forward.
I work with adults on the following topics:
Provide family relationship counselling in French and Dutch.
Passionnée par l’être humain et croyant sincèrement au bon et à la force de vie qui est en chacun.e de nous, j’exerce le métier d’infirmière en psychiatrie depuis plus de trente ans. Touchée par la fragilité humaine, la mienne aussi, et convaincue que le relationnel est une des clés pour aider les personnes en souffrance, j’ai entrepris une longue formation en thérapie systémique afin de devenir thérapeute relationnelle reconnue.
Je suis également mère, belle-mère et grand-mère d’une famille nombreuse et recomposée. Comme bon nombre d’entre vous, j’ai traversé des épreuves de vie difficiles (rupture, deuil, maladie,…) et c’est dans ma vulnérabilité que j’ai pu mesurer au mieux l’importance de la relation et réaliser que cette relation participe au processus de guérison/réparation.
Interpelée par la société actuelle de plus en plus anxiogène, je me suis interrogée sur le comment accompagner plus largement les personnes en souffrance, en quête de sens, en mal d’être. C’est ainsi que j’ai décidé de me mettre au service de ces personnes en tant que thérapeute relationnelle.
Dans une bulle d’accueil et d’écoute, mon intention est de vous offrir une présence chaleureuse, authentique et profonde dans le respect de qui vous êtes, de votre rythme et de votre différence.e
+32 0 473/428225
La Clinique De La Brisee